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Faith That Leads To Repentance

Series: Faith
Why Repent? 
Romans 2:1-4  Paul says repent 
Matthew 3:1-2  John says repent 
Acts 2:38 Peter says repent 
Matthew 4:17  Jesus says repent

Attitudes Which Accompany Repentance (Bulletin 11/12/2017)

1. Convictions of Sins – Acts 2:37-38

2. Restitutions When Possible – Luke 19:8-9

3. Remorse For Having Wronged God Through Sin – Psalm 51:1-12

4. A Spirit of Humility Because of Sin – II Chron. 7:14

5. A Sense of Shame – Jer. 31:19

6. Confession of Sins – Luke 15:18

7. Belief in Christ – Matt. 21:32

8. Turning to God – Acts 3:19

9. Turning from Transgressions – Eze. 18:30

10. Sackcloth, Ashes, Fasting, and Prayer were often used inconnection with repentance –        I Kings 21:27-29

11. Joy in Heaven Results from it – Luke 15:7, 10

12. It is Evidence by Good Fruit – Isa. 1:16-1