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When God Seems Absent

When God Seems Absent Dare to pray this:
Not for peace, not for power,
Not for joy and not for light;
Not for truth and not for knowledge,
Not for courage for the fight;
Not for strength to do Thy service,
Not for these my prayer shall be,
But for Thee, Lord just for Thee,
Make me lonely for Thy presence,
Every earthly friend above;
Make me thirst for Thy indwelling,
Make me hungry for Thy love,
‘Till in full and free surrender,
I shall yield my life to Thee.
Only then in full perfection,
Can Thou give Thyself to me.

Hope In God
A Christian couple prayed and continued to pray over a 2-year period for their teenage daughter because she had turned her back on the God they loved and served so faithfully. They continued to also serve their local church family that helped them through a very difficult time in their lives. Because of their strong commitment to God and what they knew to be true, they moved toward believing two things: 1. God has been faithful and will always be. 2. He will be praised for His loving kindness in every generation. The day came when their daughter showed up at their front door and asked for forgiveness and help. The truth of Psalm 119:90 can be seen in their situation: God is faithful not just to our generation but to all generations! In our study together today, the writer of Psalm 42 & 43 asks the same question 3 times. “Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? The writer realized the answer to his discouraging circumstances could only be, “Hope in God for I shall yet praise Him, the salvation (help) of my countenance and my God.” ~Psalm 42:5,11; 43:5~ Hope in God! Believe it!